Leading with Truth

9780764210044Al Mohler, in his new book, The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters, says that leaders must have deep convictions that are based on truth.  This is paramount for all leaders, but especially Christian leaders whose foundational beliefs and convictions are anchored in the truth of Christ and His Word.

The problem, Dr. Mohler suggests, is that many modern Christian leaders are “not sure what they believe or why it matters. They are masters of change and organizational transformation, but they lack a center of gravity in truth.”  This is a sad commentary for Christian leaders at a pivotal point in our country’s history and when people are crying out for true leaders.  “If our leaders are not passionately driven by the right beliefs, we are headed for disaster.  At the same time, if believers cannot lead, we are headed nowhere.”

Mohler’s main premise is that it is not all about the leader – it is all about the leader’s conviction to truth.  Leaders must be committed to truth; driven by truth; growing in truth; teaching truth; speaking truth; upholding truth; and living truth.  “The Christian leader is, by definition, committed to living in truth.  This is one of the most distinctive and essential elements of Christian leadership, for it is foundational to the Christian life.”

Authentic Christian leaders know the truth of God’s Word is essential and life-changing and are committed to this truth and even willing to die for it.   When people know a leader has the conviction, commitment and courage to live and die for truth, they are drawn to that leader and the truth he or she believes in.

This is the fire and power that has ignited the gospel message since the time of Christ.  Followers of Jesus Christ know truth and worship in truth.  Listen to the words of Jesus as He spoke to the Samaritan woman in the Gospel of John, “True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24)

As the headmaster of a Christian school, my primary purpose and passion is to help students come to know the truth of Jesus Christ and His Word and for them to grow in wisdom and knowledge.  I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Mohler, “Convictional leadership begins with a commitment to truth and a relentless desire to see others know and believe that same truth.”

Grace, truth and blessings to you!